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Congratulations to the Emory Senior 100 Honorary

Congratulations to the Emory Senior 100 Honorary

Every year the Emory Alumni Association and Student Alumni Board honors 100 outstanding seniors in the undergraduate schools.  The 100 Senior Honorary is awarded to students who 1) are deeply committed to their beliefs, pursuits, or passions and 2) have made outstanding contributions to Emory through academics, athletics, leadership, volunteerism, or even through personal relationships such as mentoring. 

Congratulations to the 100 Senior Honorary from the Class of 2018 which includes former soccer players Kevin Kilgour, Kristen Eichamer and John Mizuki. From Coach Moss-Brown, "It was such an honor to listen to the words that were chosen to describe each of our inductees and how much each of them have accomplished in just four years. I can't imagine and can only wait to hear what wonderful good things they're doing in the world in 10 years from now."


Go Eagles!!